Advertiser / DSP options

Advertiser / DSP options

Advertiser / DSP options

In this section, we'll go through the advertiser and DSP options that can be accessed via the Settings / Common menu.

Allow registration

You may enable or disable user registration on the platform with this checkbox. When this feature is disabled, users can only be added manually.

Enable self-service

You can allow your users to access self-service features by checking this box.

Enable payments

Advertisers will have access to the Finance / Payments section of their panel if this option is enabled.

Minimal payment amount

To establish a minimum top-up amount, enter a figure. This only applies to payments that are handled automatically.

 Payments info

In this section you write the instructions to be displayed on the advertiser’s panel. You can use HTLM tags, where appropriate.

Each time one of your advertisers makes a payment, you will need to manually match it to a payment on the platform because our platform doesn't manage payments. The system will not update their real balance until this doesn't happen.

You might like to learn more about managing finances on our platform in the section Financial Management.

Control advertisers' balance

Overspending is prevented by this feature. Advertisers won't be able to run advertisements without a positive balance if this option is activated. Otherwise, they won't be able to run their campaigns.

Check out this section for further details.

Ads assignment mode

You can select one of the three ads assignment modes available: mixed (enabled by default), manual or automatic. More details are available in Assigning Ads to Zones.

Default redirect type

For your campaigns, you may choose the default redirect type (Standard, Cloak Referrer or No Referrer). When you, as the manager, manually create campaigns and advertisements, it will be set as the default one.

Default advertiser

A default advertiser can be selected for your campaigns. When you, as the manager, manually create campaigns and advertisements, it will be used as the default one.

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