The link to the latest installation package of Cosmos or Mega ICX can be downloaded from PlayBox Technology UK Ltd website.
1. Download the file and follow the installation instructions
2. The configuration panel of Cosmos/Mega ICX and the App are available as short cuts on the desktop
In case of complications, please follow these instructions:
1. Open CMD as administrator and open Windows PowerShell thru it /just type in powershell/
2. Locate the Cosmos/Mega ICX installation folder, example: root> cd "C:\Install\Cosmos\setup-cosmos-2020-02-04-1200\
- If this is the first installation of Cosmos on the server type in PowerShell the following command: Set-Execution Policy Unrestricted , confirm with A and hit enter.
3. Type in .\install.ps1 and the script will be executed. For Host IP select the local IP of the server and wait for the installation to complete.
4. Directory of the complete installation is in C:\Cosmos