The mail settings:
- Define the outgoing email address and display name:
This is the email address that users will see when they receive communications from your platform.
Choose an email that reflects your brand and is easy to recognize. Consider using a dedicated domain for your email (e.g., to improve deliverability and maintain a professional appearance.
The contact page address is the address displayed in the contact page section of the platform and which the incoming correspondence will be addressed.
Finally, the display name is the name of the sender of the platform emails.
- Choose outgoing mail method (Mailgun, Gmail API, SMTP, Postmark, SES, SendMail, Log):
Each method has its own strengths in terms of deliverability, scalability, and ease of setup. Consider factors such as your expected email volume, budget, and technical resources when choosing a method. You might want to implement email analytics to track open rates and engagement, which some of these services provide out of the box.