It enables platform registration for users. When it is not enabled, users can only be added manually.
It allows your users to access self-service features. When the feature is disabled, the manager has full control over publisher accounts.
Post-moderation will automatically approve new websites once it is enabled.
It pertains to zones but operates similarly to webpages.
Existing zones are not affected by changes in prioritisation; only new zones are. If you would like to make changes, you can manually modify the existing zones.
The features supported in this section refer to publishers' earning model:
Existing zones are not affected by changes to the revenue model; only new zones are. You can manually modify current zones if you would like to apply changes in them.
It is set by clicking on the "Geo-rate" button on the right side of the rate field. It establishes the specific rates for each country.
Only new zones will be affected by modifications to the revenue rate. Existing zones are not impacted. If you wish to modify the existing zones you can do it via using Publisher / SSP settings or the bulk zone updater (Services / Zones updater menu).
Push Notifications have different revenue settings because they are a separate ad format. The "Push Subscription" revenue model used by Push Notifications is the only distinction from standard revenue settings. The number of subscriptions chosen will determine the publishers' revenue.
Only new zones will be affected by changes to these parameters; existing zones are not impacted. Please use the bulk zone updater (Services / Zones updater menu) or Geo Rates button in the Default revenue rate (Pushes) if you wish to manually modify existing zones.
Allows the Publisher's Panel's Finance / Payouts module. Publishers can only request payouts; actual payments must be processed manually.
For more information, please read this section.
It specifies the minimum payment threshold. Publishers will not be allowed to ask for payouts below the predetermined amount.
You may stop your publishers from adding inappropriate websites to your ad network with the use of this feature.
You must provide a list of comma-separated domain names in this field to use the blacklist feature, like and
The system matches domains as substrings. If you mention "," for instance, all subdomains (such as and will also be prohibited.
When you manually add websites and zones, the publisher will be used by default.
Publisher's Revenue model
The partnership between advertisers and publishers is defined by the revenue model which they have chosen – e.g., the amount of money the ad network pays to have their advertisements displayed.
Available revenue models are:
You may create default values under Settings / Common / Publisher. New zones are the only ones that use default settings. You can modify the existing zones manually.
Publishers often anticipate receiving a variable payment from the region where their traffic originates. To manage that, PlayBox Technology gives you the option to establish prices for specific countries, as explained here. You may define default values and have the ad server apply them to all newly created zones on your network, or you can do it for each zone individually.
Where does the profit come from
As the manager of an ad network, you expect to make a profit. And you may manage and calculate it with the help of our software. PlayBox Technology platform can help you determine the profit as the difference between advertisers' expenditures and publishers' revenues, only using data from the platform.
How to increase your profit
No matter how large your ad network is or how many active ad campaigns you have, there may occasionally be no advertising to show due to targeting, spending restrictions, or frequency limitations. Every manager of an ad network is aware that every empty spot on a website represents lost income.
Make sure your advertisers are not engaging in any questionable practises and are not providing any content that you wouldn't want to see in your network (e.g. malware). Make sure publishers submit websites that adhere to your ad network criteria as well.
PlayBox Technology platform provides pre- and post-moderation choices to choose from, depending on how much control you prefer to have over the moderation process. You can use the settings you see appropriate from Settings / Common.
We recommend using pre-moderation at the start. You will be able to change that later after you build trust with your advertisers and publishers.
Ad network options setup
These are the most important details you must provide in the Settings / Common / Network menu:
Both URLs should lead to your ad network's landing page (website).
Additionally, you might consider turning on the user auto-activation. The inactive status will be the default one for new users if deactivated.