In the
General subsection, you can:
- Enable/disable subscription functionality:
This is a crucial setting for monetization. It enables or disables all subscription related functionality across the platform.
- Configure payment gateways (PayPal, Stripe):
To enable PayPal, you need to set up a sandbox account with PayPal and generate a PayPal Client ID, PayPal Secret and PayPal Webhook ID:
PayPal allows testing of trial payments with sandbox accounts.
For Stripe, you will need to set up a payment account and generate a Stripe publishable key, Stripe secret key and Stripe webhook signing secret, which need to be connected to your platform.
You can also set accepted payment card by adding them manually to the settings.
Through the Invoice subsection, you can configure invoicing (email address, accompanying notes (optional)):
The customer will receive an automatic email with their invoice, once the payment is complete.